Hi guys, Unpleasant here, and as I'm sure most of you have noticed by now, I haven't been 'here' in quite some time. So basically, I had done about everything in group game I was concerned about and then some, and was mostly just trying to gear boxes up some. In other words, I was kind of bored 2-3 months ago, was about to be done with the group game and focus purely on raiding. However, then they went ahead with the wonderful February 15th patch, effectively making SHDs mere eunuchs of what they once were.

Now do I know how to play a SHD without swarming, sure, probably better than most, but the idea of playing without it didn't sound fun, so I stopped. To put it in gaming terms, it is like playing contra without the spread gun, playing super mario brothers where the mushroom is the only power up, zelda without shootey swords, quake without the rocket/grenade launcher, doom without the super shotgun and bfg, Starcraft without infested terrans/zerglings, etceteras. All very possible to play and win without, but sans any fun.

So I'm not really leaving PA per se, but just Everquest in general. I appreciate being allowed to app and join, and hope I am still welcome back if I decide I need Everquest in my life again. Hope you guys continue making good progress, game just stopped being fun for me.