I will leave it entirely up to you the officer team on what they think is best.

I cannot give you a date that I will return.
I need to work during the school terms (40 weeks of the year). Write off Easter and Christmas/NYE (there's another 2 weeks). That leaves me with at most a possible 10 weeks to raid - providing real life does not come between me and the pixels (which it usually does).

With all that said, it is what it is. If you want to keep us as raiders, it would be nice.
However if you move us to social then that is the decision you make and I know - given my current work situation - I would not under any circumstances be able to actually make the benchmark to return as a raider and there for be done with EQ altogether as I don't see the game holding any interest for me in a 'group/non-raiding' situation.