Hello Athientz- Yes, we go way back to Valorgaurd & before. Glad to see you still have EQ in your blood.
Type: Posts; User: Flifo
Hello Athientz- Yes, we go way back to Valorgaurd & before. Glad to see you still have EQ in your blood.
Happy Birthday!
Well said Wilder. God bless him & his family.
That's so sad. I hope he doesn't suffer & I will pray for him.
NO...TDK CALL INC. :biggrin-new: Thanks for participating in the KAOS & Fun with us. Stay healthy & safe.
And Happy New Year to you Candy Girl.
I, we will always remember the good times we had playing EQ together Barl. You are a good man & your moto of "Protector of Clerics" says allot about yourself. Your unselfish attitude towards playing...
Merry Christmas & Happy New years my EQ brothers & sisters!
Best of Luck Belleni- stay safe, Merry Christmas & happy new year.
I always wait a day or two before I even buy the game & log in, just supersticious I suppose.
Thanks for all you have done for PA. Our guild is far better than when you came. GL & have fun!
Wow- what a milestone. I'm only 12 years behind you :courage: Grats!
What can I say, but will miss you both & wish you all the best life has to offer. Happy Holidays too
Glad to see you back, good humor & good heals :)
I think we all need one from time to time. Good Luck & hoe you come back after some time, cause PA needs you.
I will remember our raid accomplishments as a member of the Shaman team. I was you all the best & encourage you to fight on. God Bless you.
Sorry to see you go, but understand completely. Maybe after some time away you will decide to come back at a time that works better for you. Good luck & thanks for the fun!
Good Luck & lots of loot to you!
Hello PA, I'm looking forward to playing & raiding again, but as luck would have it, as soon as I went to log into today my graphics went TU. Tried another monitor but no help. So I will be delayed...