On July 1, we returned Veeshan's Peak and chased down Talendor.
He tried every trick he had to lose us, but we followed relentlessly...
Type: Posts; User: Stargazer
On July 1, we returned Veeshan's Peak and chased down Talendor.
He tried every trick he had to lose us, but we followed relentlessly...
On June 30, we scaled Veeshan's Peak and downed Hoshkar, Silverwing and Xygoz.
On June 17th, After much effort we won our first raid in the current expansion!
Many frogs were harmed during this event...
On August 28th, we went back and finished off some very mean Karzok.
Potiusque sero quam nunquam!
On March 14th, we improved the lighting system in the Chardok library which revealed a chest full of goodies.
http://www.phoenixascending.org/News/Prince Selrach - resize.jpg
On February 20th, we cut High Bokon Boromus down to size.
http://www.phoenixascending.org/News/HighBokon - resize2.jpg
On February 5th, we stemmed the tide of mobs and exterminated an enormous rat.
http://www.phoenixascending.org/News/Stem the Tide - resize.jpg
On January 17 we introduced Droga to his own Bloodbath.