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View Full Version : Thanks PA

03-18-2021, 03:25 AM
Dear PA - some may have noticed that team Whipalox/ Charismax / Scouting have been missing in action since CoV launched. I usually log on and do some Zlandicar missions or work on my traders, but that is about it for playing on Emarr at the moment.

When I joined PA I intended on eventually joining the ranks of raiding, but it hasn’t worked out due to the fact I work overnights. I have tried getting a day job, but it hasn’t worked out over the past few years. The pandemic hasn’t helped any.

I have been playing on Antonius Bayle (Europe server) the last 3 months with my berserker. The playtime matches mine and I have finally been able to get a chance to experience raiding.

I wanted to thank the many people that welcomed me to PA and help me grow. There are some amazing people here, but we just seem to play different times more often. I would like to keep my toons in PA in my social status if leadership permits, but I understand if it isn’t allowed.

I hope to see you around still. Emarr (Innoruuk) are still my true home.

03-18-2021, 02:16 PM
Glad you finally got to raid, even if it wasn't with us. Always welcome back when your schedule allows.

Jassper De'Nalou
03-22-2021, 04:10 AM
Oh man! Gonna miss you bud, but I totally understand. Hope you have a bunch of fun raiding my friend. Catch ya on the flip side =)

03-22-2021, 06:13 AM
Nice to hear you found someone to raid with. BTW what is your char name and which guild you in?