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03-21-2018, 05:49 AM
Ok guys I am going to post this to be clear on some things involving this new anniversary mission. 19th Anni mission is ROUGH. If You are lucky enough to get raid geared 110s tank healer dps and CC/badass puller, then You might have a much easier time than most. HOWEVER, most people don't have such luxuries. So I am going to post this to help anyone on FB here understand this mission. First off - get ready to spend 3-4 hours doing this. If You want this shiny new best in slot charm useable aug You gota put in the time and be patient. This mission is not easy. The mobs hit like trains. That being said, I have spent two missions already learning some secrets and tricks. Pulling as a rogue.

Get a solid group of at least one real tank ( a main player), and some sort of combination of healers/merc clerics . Obviously real players are almost always better. Now You need someone that can pull , or You will need to develop a system with two players possibly to get the job done without killing everyone more than absolutely necessary. First attempt was Main Pallytank, Main rogue, box zerker and three healer mercs. took four hours. Second attempt mixed up a bit till we ended up with SK alt, ranger main, mage main, rog main , and healer mercs. four hours.

Once You are inside You can see there is a table, with food on it. You should WARN everyone that is new to this mission NOT TO PICK ANYTHING UP. You want someone in group that has done things before and can figure out which food is the food of the guilty. What I do is take one food item, try to turn it in to the NPC, if he dont take it i put it in my bags in a location where i can remember it. Eventually one food will be taken by the NPC and You have to know what food it was and what class it was in front of. The classes are all seated around the table with a unique food item in front of each. Once You turn in the item that the NPC takes, you know who the murderer is. Note the food name and the murderer class.


Now that you have handed in the food, dont go straight to killing the murderer. Farm all the other pieces first by killing all mobs in the castle. Now not 100% have to be killed in theory to get all four turn in items of evidence, but You will have to kill the majority most likely.

I started by pulling to the zone in area. You want to clear all the wandering orcs before You move in deeper. Make sure there isnt any SI mobs at the tunnels directly south of the ballroom dancers. Once You have a chance move there invis (avoiding the SI along the walls in the ballroom), and You can use this spot to pull many rooms. The dancers are leashed together in pairs, so they are probably the most difficult to pull. I mostly pulled mobs, escaped at a certain time and tagged or asked for assistance to tag mobs as needed for results. You will want to kill mobs until you get all four droppede pieces.

Side note, the room with weapon racks. Weapon racks have in both cases had one item in them. You destroy them to get a chance of a piece of evidence. It said they were locked, but wouldnt let me pick them. We cleared the room and destroyed them.

Now there are upstairs rooms with mobs, crypt mobs downstairs of the sisters area, mobs in ballroom and rooms on either side... so clear away.

Now the last thing You want to do is look for the food item that You had learned of earlier. Whatever room it is in is the room you need to remember for the end. So if You successfully gave Fancy Turkey to the NPC and he took it, you note the class it was in front of, then the room you find the same food in on the floor. For us once it was the library i think and once was the bedrooms. BE AWARE that whoever does the final accusing gets agro first. Once You accuse the room and class after turning in all items you should fight one class NPC and be done. Everyone in group hails NPC. Go to DSK turn in RED BERRY PASTE to the tiny bats at zone in. We didnt remove task just in case it bugs till we turned in.

Some mobs warp around. Most see invis. Spiders see rogues. Some are rootable, snareable. Very tough, very resistant mobs.

One last note, the drops seemed to come from different rooms both times I finished this, however Silver said He got two drops in the Ballroom on one attempt. So I duno.

Good Luck!!

03-22-2018, 11:45 AM
Not a real tank, but I am a main player. Willing to help on the weekend.